The Environmental Benefits of Proper Waste Management

Getting rid of waste is essential in ensuring that it is disposed of ethically without harming the environment. 

But not many of us know how exactly proper waste management helps curb environmental pollution, other than just preventing the use of landfills. And because of that, we don’t know some of the most important ways to manage waste. 

Hence, we have curated a short yet informative guide on the environmental benefits of proper waste management. We’ve even included some tips for effective waste minimization that can help reduce the amount of waste in the first place.


Environmental Benefits Of Proper Waste Management


1. Improves Air And Water Quality

When junk is not disposed of properly, it ends up in a landfill or the nearest water body. These humongous piles of garbage emit a foul odour and act as the perfect breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. Not to forget, improper waste management worsens air and water quality due to the production of greenhouse gasses.

Nutrient pollution is another major concern as it causes algal blooms in water bodies, suffocating marine life. And considering how 3.5 billion people on earth get their food from the oceans, soon, we might be left with nothing to eat.

Hence, by managing our waste through lifestyle changes or by opting for professional waste disposal services, we can prevent pollution and a possible famine! 


2. Reduces Exploitation Of Resources 

Recycling and managing waste help save natural resources, as one will not consume as much energy, which will reduce emissions. Also, exploitation of resources will lead to- the obvious- resource depletion and other adverse effects like climate change, pollution, loss of biodiversity, etc.

So, recycling materials like plastics, paper, glass, metals, and more is an important aspect of proper waste management.


3. Protects The Environment And Our Health

We humans form a small part of the environment, so our attempts to protect it will save our future generations. To help with this, it becomes important to minimize waste production from our life activities.

Especially for large industries, waste minimization is a must as the toxins released by them may remain as solid compounds in the air, causing fatal effects on our health.

An example of waste reduction/minimization, not omission, is the dry cleaning industry, wherein most dry cleaners have switched from tetrachloroethylene or “perc” to less toxic petroleum-based compounds. Some use newer cleaning technologies incorporating CO2 and other relatively less polluting compounds.

While these alternatives may not be 100% “clean” and environment-friendly, they can, to some extent, help reduce waste.


4. Promotes Recycling

In an attempt to manage waste, one can recycle and reuse old items or parts of a product. In turn, the production of something new yet identical is controlled, thereby reducing the extraction of virgin resources. 

In case you are unable to recycle waste materials into useful products, you can always hire a rubbish removal service that can do the needful. Such services will collect junk from your residential/commercial space and send them to appropriate recycling or donation centers. 


5. Replenishes The Soil Through Composting

Adding to the previous point, some rubbish removal companies also offer services for disposing garden waste. Such waste is then sent to be used in a garden compost area or any farm that may require it. As a result, you can get rid of the garbage from your backyard while helping someone else replenish the soil of their farm. 

This way your waste will not reach a landfill, so you’re indirectly helping local municipalities save up on landfill areas. 


Other Benefits Of Proper Waste Management


1. Creates Employment 

Think about the team that visits your home when you hire a rubbish removal service. They are part of a company that hires people to collect and segregate waste. Hence, it is safe to say that waste management requires a lot of labor and creates jobs for many out there.


2. Reduces Costs

Since proper waste management reduces the need for new resources and products, the construction industry will be able to reuse certain materials and reduce its production costs. Consequently, a circular economy will be created, meaning affordable products for the end consumer.


Tips For Proper Waste Management


1. Use Reusable Products

Sure, all of us have reusable water bottles and glasses at home. But do we actually remember to carry them out instead of buying a can of Coke every time we feel thirsty? 

Bottles, cans, and glasses require a lot of resources and energy to be manufactured, shipped to the bottling facility, and delivered to the consumer. So, do yourself a favour and carry a drink from home with you. 

This way, you’ll save the environment and your budget by reducing any chances of buying costly beverages!


2. Thrift And Donate 

Thanks to the comeback of vintage fashion, thrifting has become all the rage nowadays. Besides adding to your collection of unique and rare pieces, thrifting allows you to extend the life of a product and avoid fast fashion. Not to mention that secondhand items cost a lot less than something brand new.

Similarly, once you no longer use a product, instead of discarding it, consider donating it to someone directly or through donation drives, waste collection services, local charities, etc.

3. Shop Wisely

We understand that this point is easier said than done. Hence, we recommend creating a shopping list and sticking to it to avoid any impulse purchases. Another tip is to buy in bulk to avoid overusing packaging material. 


Final Words

Like any other crisis in the world, the poorest people are always the worst affected by pollution. Especially in third-world countries, you’ll find makeshift huts of the poor near landfills, banks of polluted rivers, etc.

Hence, poor waste management is a challenge in most countries. And while we can do our bit, it is the larger industries that must incorporate better disposal and segregation of waste in their production processes. 

Yet, we hope this guide helped you learn the benefits of waste management and how your small steps can make a lasting difference in the environment!

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