10 Tips For Construction Waste Disposal

Heaps of waste are produced on construction sites; however, most of it ends up in landfills, and a negligible portion actually ends up getting recycled. 

In fact, an overwhelming majority of the waste is unused construction material, which pollutes the environment and wastes resources. Construction waste has become a menace largely due to human ignorance.  This is because even though a lot of the waste can be recycled, many people skip the process because it’s easier to litter.

However, cultivating sustainable habits is good for the environment as well as for ones’ business. This is why we have this guide that lays down 10 tips for construction waste disposal!

So, without further ado, let’s dive in!


Advantages Of Proper Waste Disposal

Proper waste disposal has twofold benefits; for the company as well as the environment. Let’s take a look at its advantages:


A. Benefits For The Company

An important part of proper construction waste disposal is using up as little material as possible, which in turn, reduces the amount of waste disposed of. So, if a company uses only the materials they actually need, they can cut costs significantly. Apart from this, it frees up the workers’ time as well.

Another way in which proper waste disposal benefits companies is that by undertaking conscious waste management, they earn the tag of a “green” company. This helps draw customers to the business because everyone likes a sustainable and environment-friendly company.


B. Benefits For The Environment

The environment benefits greatly from the proper disposal of waste; for starters, a lot of natural resources are saved. In addition to that, the risk of an accident happening due to improper disposal of pollutants is mitigated, and many human lives are thus saved.

In the long run, it also leads to reduced CO2 emissions and helps save the earth!


10 Tips For Construction Waste Disposal


1. Pick Your Vendors Wisely

If your company has solid sustainability goals, then you need to pick a vendor who supports them. Some of the criteria you should consider before selecting a vendor are…  

  • Someone who can work swiftly
  • Someone with a flexible schedule
  • Someone committed to environmental conservation

Picking a vendor who ticks the above criteria will mean better waste disposal.


2. Try To Plan Ahead

As a project manager, you’re probably tasked with thinking up and presenting building plans. So, when you’re brainstorming for the same, try and make a detailed plan about the disposal of waste once the project has ended. Your plans for efficient waste disposal may include:

  • Provision for waste, compost, and recycling bins at the worksite
  • Budgeting the construction material properly and avoiding overordering
  • Demarcate recyclable and non-recyclable items
  • Train workers to identify the above and take action

3. Reuse, If Not, Recycle

If something can be put to use again, do so, and don’t just buy new material because you can. However, if something isn’t reusable, sort the material out into what can be recycled and what can’t. 

Here are some common construction materials that can be recycled:

  • Gravel
  • Metal
  • Asphalt
  • Concrete 
  • Brick
  • Drywall
  • Paper
  • Metal and more


4. Don’t Demolish; Instead, Deconstruct!

Deconstruction is widely known as a reuse mechanism and an alternate solution to demolition. This method involves methodically disassembling a building in order to minimise waste and conserve materials.

The materials that are saved by employing this method can be reused and transformed into goods that can be utilised in future projects. Demolition merely tears down a structure, leading to waste generation and rampant material wastage.


5. Cut Down On Packaging 

A hefty chunk of industrial waste comprises cardboard, which is used as packing material. Thus, cutting down on excess packaging and non-essential packaging will help greatly in alleviating waste levels.


6. Donate Construction Materials

While sifting through your waste, identify any material that you think can be put to use again and donate it. This will help you give back to society and bring positive public attention to your company.


7. Reuse Scraps

Whenever you spot any construction material that is in good condition, separate it from the rest of the pile for reusing it. Apart from that, certain items can be reused in a different way than their original intended use; for instance, chopping wood may be utilised in the form of mulch. Identify those, and cut back on the amount of material used.


8. Find Out About Local Construction Waste Recycling

Some recyclers accept mixed debris, meaning you won’t have to sort through the material yourself. Look into those, especially, and prioritise construction waste recycling over disposal in landfills.


9. Organise The Work Site

Demarcating recyclable material from non-recyclable material is a good way to ensure proper waste disposal. We know that sorting through debris at the end of a project is cumbersome. So, if you do at least most of it before starting, you’ll have to put in less effort in the end.


10. Sign A Contract With A Recycling Firm

Contracting with recycling firms will mean efficient and effortless waste disposal. There are different types of firms- some deal with waste as a whole, and others work with particular materials. Depending on your line of work and needs, negotiate a contract with any of them.


Final Thoughts

Efficient waste disposal is a process that should be kickstarted even before the initiation of a project. This can be done by reducing the amount of material used, which will, in turn, lead to lesser debris once the project is over. Furthermore, using up lesser resources and recycling the ones you do use will positively impact the environment.

Thus, we recommend setting up dedicated recycling and waste management teams to spearhead the process. With this, we’ve reached the end of our guide, so until next time!

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